Washing and Drying Equipment
Washing Machines
Econowash features the HUGE 80-pound front load washer extractor, followed by two 60-pound front load washer extractors. Then there are 10 stainless steel washer extractors mounted on 10-inch metal bases, followed by four 40-pound washer extractors, all high efficiency models and economically priced.

You even have the choice to choose heavy or extremely heavy soiled selections, if you like, for a longer wash cycle, longer rinse. These are excellent features for Spring cleaning, especially in our 80-pounder, so that large loads like comforters and bedspreads, sleeping bags, rugs, or horse blankets can get done at one time. Just push the button and walk away.
Drying Machines
The dryers are all stainless steel SpeedQueen dryers. There are seven 45-pound capacity stacked dryers charging a quarter for 10 minutes, and there are two 55-pound capacity dryers charging the same price. All dryers are the most energy efficient, fast dryers you will ever find. They have been elevated from the floor to a height to make it easier to load the bottom pocket. No more kneeling on your knees ever again to load to dryer like in other laundries.
One of the things that the Lafayette Econowash offers on dryers, totally unique to the industry, is that if you are not here to take your clothes out instantly when the cycle is done, the dryer still tumble after a few minutes without heat to help avoid wrinkling situations that you might have if your clothes were just sitting there waiting for you to return. A very, very nice feature. So don’t be alarmed when a dryer starts on its own with the door closed. No gremlins involved…….just a dryer doing its job!

All of the machines at Lafayette Econowash not only take quarters, but they take the dollar coin. However, you will find that when you put a dollar coin in any of the dryers, you will get more time for that dollar than with four individual quarters. These dollar coins are available from our two bill changers, which is a benefit currently only available at our laundromat alone; so take advantage of that convenience.
Wash Alert
For your convenience, when you walk into the front door of Lafayette Econowash, you will notice that there is a monitor of washing machine diagrams on a display to your upper right.

These pictures indicate at a glance which washers and dryers are available:
- GREEN: Available
- RED: In use
- YELLOW: In use and 3 minutes left to finish
Extra Conveniences
Lafayette Econowash offer 8 different vending products in case you come in and find you are a little short of something. We have plastic bags, Bounce fabric softeners, liquid Downey, Snuggle, Tide and other popular detergents, and of course the big favorites, liquid Clorox and OxiClean. We also provide a small sink for pre-rinsing or washing silks/delicates, six stainless steel sanitary folding stations, and four laundry carts with racks for hanging items. And, of course, there is a snack and soda station with constantly changing, fresh items available, a bulletin board for community announcements and notices, free WiFi, and a Pac Man game for your entertainment.